Friday, October 14, 2011

Tokyo Auto Salon Modified Tuner Car Show

Tokyo Auto Salon Car Show, Modified Tuners, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, Import Tuner, Modified Cars

It’s been almost a year since I went to the Tokyo Auto Salon in January! I’m finally posting day 3 album 1 of Tokyo Auto Salon. Better late than never right? I’ll be posting the rest of the pictures from day 3 this week, and the first and second days in the coming weeks.

How was the Tokyo Auto Salon? Man, it was fun…the first day was great, the second day was fun, and the third day was tiring… I got to know the multiple halls and felt like an old timer by the time the car show ended. A bit sad that the car show ended, felt weird because my whole life for 3 days was dedicated to the Tokyo Auto Salon.
Oye, I watched some Japanese porn which was…. interesting – Japanese porn stars sure hell can act better than their American counterparts. I had to check it out man, just out of curiosity, research man, research. :)
Had to buy a ticket from a vending machine in the hallway of the hotel that contained the code to access the Japanese porn channels. All I could say say is that Japanese porn is number one!

Tokyo Auto Salon Car Show, Modified Tuners, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, Import Tuner, Modified Cars 
Tokyo Auto Salon Car Show, Modified Tuners, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, Import Tuner, Modified Cars