Friday, October 14, 2011

Motion Auto Show 2011

There I was, at the Motion Auto Show just walking around and taking pictures and talking with some friends. Some new friends and old, good times!
Going to car shows is a great way to just relax and remove myself from work.. work.. and and thinking about work. Yea. Just chill and focus on getting good pictures, as I walk around and get some exercise, get some free NOS and pay for some over expensive food. Other than the price of the food which you can’t avoid, everything was all good!
Modified car
Import tuner

Chelsie Lynn by Team High End
car show model
Chelsie Lynn picture

Too bad Motion Auto Show is only once a year. What’s pretty cool is that the 2012 date has already been announced! Yea, this is really sweet. Motion Auto Show 2012 will be on May 20 at the Long Beach Convention Center. Save that day on your calendar!
Here’s some more pictures from the car show in Long Beach!
Bikini contestants

Bikini contest finalists
Dance competitor winners

Motion Auto Show dance winners

Gabby Jeanne by Team High End
car show model
Gabby Jeanne model picture
Black BMW

BMW picture
Mfest Black BMW

Michelle Yee at Savini booth
asian car show model
Michelle Yee picture at Motion Auto Show
modified car picture
Modified car at Motion Auto Show 2011
import tuner pic
Import Tuner at Motion Auto Show
toy car picture
Toy car at Motion Auto Show